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BudgetMate Impresszum

Legal Notice

1. The developer and operator of the website and service

The budgetmate.co.uk (website) and the dashboard.budgetmate.co.uk (web application, service):

2. Copyright

The trademarks, logos, and other materials displayed on the Website or the web application are protected by copyright. Without explicit prior written consent, third parties may not use, copy, distribute, or publish them in any form or for any purpose. It is also prohibited to create any links to the Website without prior written permission. Unauthorized use of registered trademarks or copyrighted works may result in legal action.

3. Liability

The Operator is not responsible for any damage, loss, or cost arising from the use of the Website or web application or its unavailability for any reason, at any time, or for any duration. The Operator is also not liable for any unauthorized actions, delayed information transfer, computer viruses, line or system errors, or changes in data caused by these issues. The Operator reserves the right to modify the content displayed on the Website or discontinue its availability. Furthermore, the Operator is not responsible for any materials created, transmitted, or published by third parties that are linked to or referenced by the Website.

4. Hosting and Domain Provider Information

Hosting Provider

Domain Provider